Алексей Трофимов


Lagoon 42

I will describe the goals and objectives that faced me in this campaign. The owners (family) bought a catamaran, which had to be transported from Greece through Italy to France. The team also had to undergo training, pass all the tests and get qualified. We can say that we were lucky with the weather – we didn’t waste our time…

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Работай и путешествуй

Another yacht season is just around the corner, so we have already started receiving requests for yacht transfers. There is something to tell on this topic, because the year 2020 was famous for this kind of services. The main reason for the active demand, of course, was the closure of European borders: ship owners needed to move their yachts from…

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Suffering on the deposit

My favorite Holland, a mooring training. I took the yacht very carefully, even shot all the scratches on the hull on video.

Charterers did not show any special initiative when handing over a yacht, just handed over to me an A4-format yacht acceptance document specifying the following: condition of the hull, condition of the sails, the main equipment, and some other issues. Mandatory actions that need to be done were also written there, such as: raise the fenders on board before leaving, so that they do not catch on the poles, record the engine operating hours. As it turned out later, they refuel yachts themselves, and the money for fuel is calculated by the engine operating hours. I examined everything, wrote it down and signed the document. The process went on.

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Capri and the italian service or still the mentality

In short, there are buoys in front of Marina Piccolo, in Capri. I tried to find information about how much it costs, how to book, I only found a restaurant that is located on them for free. Last time I remember exactly, the guys on the rib drove up and offered to stand there for 130 euros. Why buoys? Because…

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Виргинские острова

– Damn, there’s a shark under the yacht! – Come on? – Seriously, it’s about two meters long. I carefully went down the ladder and looked around. Indeed, the fish was swimming under the yacht – maybe not two meters, but something about a meter, and not a shark, but a stuck fish. It lived with us for several days,…

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Capri and the italian service or still the mentality

Thank you very much for your support! I just found the time to write a report about our participation in the ARC. We have become very popular here! Although, our result was not the best – 6th place in our racing division, 8th – among all racers and 65th – among 220 yachts. We are constantly receiving visitors from other…

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Голландия. Как говориться - Тяжело в учении ...- тяжело, так тяжело!

Как говориться – Тяжело в учении …- тяжело, так тяжело! Переход от острова Терсхелинг к острову Виленд. Курсы все рассчитаны, течения учтены. Решили идти с отливным попутным течением, в третьей четверти отлива, так как в самом мелком месте – глубина на карте 1.3 метра, а осадка у нас 1.6. Приливной воды у нас должно быть по расчетам + 1 метр. …

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Якорные стоянки. Реальный случай произошедший в июле 2018 года. Немного философии, про цепочку событий, метеорологию и грунты якорных стоянок! Прекрасный остров Айла, аж с 8ю вискокурнями, очень красивый. С погодой нам повезло – легкий ветерок солнце, но надо возвращаться назад в Обан. Запланировал якорную стоянку на северо-западном побережье Айла, чтобы не спешить по пути половить рыбку, ветер как раз юго-восточный…

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